“Buffalo Dreaming” is a 4’ x 16’ acrylic/oil on wood panel byōbu (屏風, wooden Japanese folding screen) style work by Western New York artist Adam Cooley. It was commissioned by the Japan Culture Center of WNY for the 60th anniversary of our sister city relationship with Kanazawa, Japan.
The piece consists of two four-panel sections depicting important elements from both cities: the signature bridge-shaped kotoji stone lanterns from the city of Kanazawa, and the iconic bison of Buffalo. Other details are also representative of our cities, such as the golden details reflecting Kanazawa’s gold leaf industry, and the 13 stars and 13 lightning bolts from the flag of Buffalo.
One half of the screen will be kept in each city, to be reunited at future sister city events.

About the Artist

Adam Cooley was born and raised in Western New York and splits his time between here and Japan. In addition to his paintings, he also produces sculpture, mixed media, and performance art. His works have been shown in the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Gallery Maronie in Kyoto, and others within and outside of Japan. He has published a book collecting several of his works.